Wednesday, April 28, 2010

hands-On-bioMed 2010

Hands-On-BiomEd is one of our club event which is to promote biomedical science to the secondary school student. We had invited students from SMK Putra jaya Presint 16. 40 male and female students are followed by 3 teachers visited us on 31st of March 2010.(wednesday)

our very own saudara Azfar, the organising chairman

Azfar: "bila lah budak-budak ni boleh sampai?"

AH ....they are finally here..

A lot of activities had been carrying out like a breifing session on what Biomedical Science is all about by Prof. Dr. Mohamad Aziz Dollah. Prof shares with us on the future on Biomedical Science and of cause his experiences.

Studdents are  then brought to Lab 7 for a briefing session on experimental animals and they are giving a try to handle the rats and mice.

OH mY GOD...

Pn Fezah is giving her lecture to the students.

Next, they are having a short time at anatomy muzeum. With that, the day ended with short tea break at foyer.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

to all BioMEd FiRst Year

To all Biomedical Science first Year colleagues:

There will be an activity, Biomedical Symposium 2010 held at 13 and 14 March 2010.
We would like to invite all of our first year members to participate in this event.
This would be a great chance for all of you to learn social skills, handling an event, preparing proposal and etc.

Please divide among yourself into 5 people in each group. Each group will have a booth conducting or presenting a science fact. (Or any interesting thing relate to science)
All of you are free in choosing your group members and title of science fact that you are going to present.
Please give yee wuen or Shakila your group members' name and group name.
dateline: 30th december 2009 (wednesday)

feel free to ask for more infor from Yee wueN or shakila.

there's some interesting and yet funny video:

( feel free to check it out)**

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Biomed Buka Puasa Dinner

I must admit, the club has been rather dormant lately, as compared to last semester. Throughout the month of August, there was Faculty Night, followed by First Test and a joint event called Intellectual Discussion (co-organized with Kelab Bimbingan Mahasiswa). Next, the Ramadhan month has begun. And when you thought we gonna be dormant, well you thought wrong.

In this holy month, we held a Buka Puasa dinner, in conjunction with the fasting season. As this is a month that promotes the values of forgiveness and moderation, this event of ours is just that. With 3 tutorial rooms for dining and 3 others for prayers, our event went smoothly without any fuss. And what is interesting, all members Muslims or non-Muslims alike sat together for a simple opening delight of dates and jelly, followed by a feast after prayers.

Everything was just plain and usual, honestly. But one thing about organizing a dinner event, as long as everyone went back with stomachs full, it is a successful event already.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Biomed BBQ Dinner

Congratulation to all lecturers who got promoted and also to all first year biomedic students who has been selected to be in UPM.

Biomed Odyssey Orientation Week

After months of discussion, weeks of preparation and a couple of sleepless nights, the Biomed Odyssey finally draws to a close.

What may seem like an endless orientation for the juniors, is actually a unique way from us seniors, of welcoming all juniors as part of our big family in UPM. Here I would like to thank all the seniors who worked as committee members to ensure the realization and smooth running of all events during orientation week. Next, I would like to give a special acknowledgment to lecturers and staffs of Biomedical Science Department, who gave support in our activities.

Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart, I thanked and congratulate all the juniors who made this orientation worth 'wild' and unlike any other. I represent the organizing committee to apologize for any misbehavior and misconduct from us, and hope that any offensive action may never remain as a torn in our relationship.

OK enough writing. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Now I have a video to summarize what our orientation has been. Enjoy!!

Proclamation of UPM FPSK Biomedicine Club Constitution

"It is necessary that with one hand and one voice the colonist should use their best energies to launch the ship of State in deep waters. I trust that every good wish that I am now addressing for the future progress of this colony will be amply realized ..."

Sir William Robinson, Governor of Western Australia, 1890

Biomedicine students welcome the dawn of student self governance in Fakulti Sains Bioperubatan UPM, in 1997 where students established what would be the blueprint of Biomedicine Club FPSK UPM now. After more than ten years of establishment, I as Club President, emboldened by a sense of civic pride and entrusted by democracy of people, celebrate the proclamation of the Perlembagaan Kelab Bioperubatan (Biomedicine Club Constitution).

Proclamation of the new constitution will be an important symbolic episode in club history. Not only did it herald a real change in the form and composition of club governance, but it would also be contrived as the moment when the club finally come of age.